Marketing Automation

What makes a great company? It's really easy. It's also the people that are working here.

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About Marketing Automation

Marketing automation in a KiyoCRM product involves using technology to streamline and automate marketing activities, such as email campaigns, social media posting, lead management, and customer segmentation. It aims to nurture leads, personalize interactions, and improve overall customer engagement. By leveraging data and analytics, marketing automation within a KiyoCRM helps businesses optimize their marketing efforts, track customer behavior, and deliver targeted and timely messages to the right audience, ultimately driving better conversions and customer satisfaction.

Increase Lead Velocity

Use AI lead-interest analysis to create dynamic, highly targeted campaigns to drive high-quality leads into your pipeline.​

Amplify Marketing ROI

Get more for every marketing dollar spent while seeing what is working and what isn’t.​

Encourage Retention

Reach out to prospects and customers at the best possible time to drive lifelong relationships.​


Accelerate Campaign Creation


Reduce Team Workload


Increase Click-Through Rates

Actual business results from KiyoCRM customers.

More Marketing-Sourced Revenue